The Passage
Zoe Fuller
Zoe Fuller has found that trusting the two men in her life is challenging because of the abuse she suffered from them. ​Troy fooled her. He started off a nice guy. Lance protected her. He said he loved her.
To make matters worse, there is a child involved. If either man knows that the father’s identity is still in question, they will stake their claim.
Zoe can’t let that happen.

Kickshaw Rite of Passage
Kickshaw Rite of Passage continues with Zoe and Lance as directors of The Den, Cyrus Falls’ youth hangout.
Dylan, an angry teen from Kickshaw, is wreaking havoc at The Den. Is he also behind the crime wave in town? His younger sister, Casey, has her own demons.
Zoe must decide to help them move on from their troubled past through faith in God. Only then can she finally be free from her own past.
Debbie Corum
Debbie Corum is the author of The Passage of Zoe Fuller, a silver medal winner with Jenkins Group Illumination Book Awards, and its sequel, Kickshaw Rite of Passage. She is a blogger and freelance writer with articles published in The Gospel Tract Harvester, ARM Outreach International newsletters, Metro Pet, and online Barkley and Paws publications.
Debbie and her husband, Bill, divide their time between visiting inmates in prisons and jails, and volunteering at Hope City KC, a multi-cultural ministry center and House of Prayer in the heart of Kansas City, Missouri. Their lives are dedicated to intercessory prayer and encouraging others to follow Christ wholeheartedly. Debbie and Bill make their home near Kansas City.

Thus says the Lord: "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls."
Jeremiah 6:16

PO Box #281 Lone Jack, MO 64070